MicroLector: Bite-sized e-learning for everyone

Learn. Create. Collaborate. 

MicroLector helps anyone to learn, create and study for the subject of their choice. Use it as a student to get ready for an exam, as an instructor to prepare your students or get professional tutor support according to your needs. MicroLector’s apps focus on microlearning. Small and bite sized learning of a few minutes for every session have been proven to be more effective than long ardous learning sessions. Do less at one time, but more often.

Our software

The MicroLector Software Family

iOS App

Our powerful app for iPhone and iPad enables users to learn through our vast microlessons (with some lessons that have voice command included), create own lessons, scan vocabulary, create learning group and get help by professional tutors with the click of a button.

Web Creator (Beta)

The Web Creator helps you create and edit lessons on the web much faster than on iPhone or iPad. It is still in Beta testing, but we decided to open it up due to current circumstances. Tip: You have to create an iPhone/iPad app and then you can login. 

Android App

Our Android App features lesson play, explanations and a sophisticated shuffle mechanism. Although some functionality is not available on Android, that is available on iOS you can play all free lessons. Coming soon: Create groups, vocabulary scanner and much more. 

Features iOS (iPhone/iPad)

The following is a list of current features we offer

Features Web Creator & Android

The following is a list of current features we offer

Our Microlessons

Check out a selection of our best microcourses


Are you looking for an investment opportunity?

The MicroLector team is looking for interested investors (seed funding). We have been bootstrapping this software in our small team and are looking for a partner to expand marketing and increase our reach.

MicroLector Tutor

Can’t figure out a homework problem? Do you have a quick question or need full support? Order a tutor on our app.